cnmLogoCloud Native Maps
An open source JavaScript SDK for visualizing unlimited geospatial data using only your web browser.

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What exactly does the SDK do?
Creates one or more LeafletJS map layers from an unlimited number of geospatial raster and vector data files, transparently fetching/drawing data as you interact with the map. Driven by a highly configurable user defined JSON file. Requires only geospatial data files and web browser. No intermediate servers/services, no back-end are needed.

A 27GB, 578 raster/vector file example:

Operates on rasters in Cloud Optimized GeoTiff's (COG) format and vector data in FlatGeobuf (FGB) format.

Developing a strategy is a must read before you start building. See examples varying from simple to complex. View full documentation or change log. The SDK can be found here.

Raster clipping
Annual precipitation raster clipped by hydrologic unit boundary on mouse click, on top of CONUS 30 meter DEM. Try it!
Features include:

What is a cloud native map?
A cloud native map has exactly 2 end points, your web browser for visualization and geospatial files in a cloud native format. A data source can be on cloud storage such as S3 or an HTTP server. Your data server does not manipulate the data in any way, it serves it as is. That data can be unlimited, meaning unlimited number of files or file sizes. It's important to note that no intermediate servers/services exist in this architecture. This is often difficult for even seasoned GIS developers to grasp.

The simplicity of this architecture cannot be understated, even without the SDK.

How does it work?
The magic is in the file formats and HTTP server. For raster data the format is Cloud Optimized GeoTiff (COG). For vector data the format is Flatgeobuf (FGB). Both of these formats can be read using a feature of an HTTP server called range requests. This allows a web client to request a range of bytes within a file without reading the whole file. This is exactly the method streaming uses, like watching a YouTube video.

Further, both COG and FGB are spatially indexed allowing you to grab a range of bytes using a bounding box. COG has overviews built in and the appropriate overview(s) are returned depending on the bounding box. The same approach for FGB, if that geometry intersects the requested bounding box that geometry is retrieved. This SDK relies heavily on work by Daniel DuFour (georaster-for-leaflet) and Bjorn Harrtell (flatgeobuf-geojson).

Of all the geospatial formats available only 3 can be used as described above. Those formats are COG, FGB and COPC (Cloud Optimized Point Cloud). The SDK only supports COG and FGB at this time.


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